8年授课经验 美国 洛杉矶 tefl;量身定制的学习体验 学生遍布全球 tefl 奥隆学院 酒店管理学士学位
Hi,Peter I hope you are doing well. I would appreciate your help in correcting any pronunciation errors Dylan makes when speaking. I wanted to express my child's heartfelt appreciation for your assistance.He has mentioned how much they enjoy your class and how helpful your guidance has been. Thank you. I was also thinking if you can help to correct any grammar errors as well when speaking. He always make some mistakes when speaking. And I believe your guidance would be valuable in reinforcing proper grammar usage. Your positive impact on my Dylan's learning journey is truly appreciated.
"Teacher, after all the lessons you've taught my child, in which areas of the FCE exam (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) does he need to improve? What are his current accuracy percentages for the reading and listening sections?"
Good teacher. He is preparing for the FCE exam, so please focus on guiding him in FCE writing and speaking, as these are his weaker areas.