美国 加州大学 7年授课经验 学生遍布全球 环球旅行 温柔 上课有趣 传媒学 善于纠正语法 年轻热情
I am so sorry to cancel the class tonight because harper has a fever.Looking forward to seeing you next class.Maybe on friday evening.we will practice the phrases and sentences in the free time.Love you honey❤️❤️
see u tonight darling❤️❤️❤️❤️I’d like to hear your advice whether harper should change to the oxford phonics textbook after she finish this textbook.do u think harper need to only focus on phonics to expand her vocabulary?
Happy New Year!
I am so sorry since I have to cancel the class tonight due to an emergecy. Looking forward to seeing you next class.Love you!